Solutions for Healthcare

Sold more than
750 000

devices so far
Known in

countries worldwide
European manufacturer

years in the market
More than


Medical facilities, operating rooms, laboratory diagnostics, pathology

Solution suitable for​

  • imaging, processing and evaluation of data from medical devices (respiratory, anesthesiological, diagnostic and other devices)
  • control of medical facilities - beds, movement rehabilitation machines, positioning devices

UniqPc industrial computer​

  • is extremely mechanically resistant, with sensitive and precise touch control​
  • provides wide connection options without visible cables through a safely hidden multi-connector​
  • sensitivity and precision of control even in rubber gloves
  • meets strict hygienic and ergonomic standards, it tolerates cleaning with alcohol solutions and other disinfection
  • is resistant to water, dust and chemicals, it will please you with its quiet operation and excellent washability

extraordinary mechanical resistance​

with sensitive and precise touch control even when wearing rubber gloves

meets hygienic and ergonomic standards

devices tolerate cleaning with alcohol solutions and other disinfection

wide connection options

without visible cables via a safely hidden multi-connector

high resistance,
good washability

esistance to dust, chemicals, quiet operation, washable without the need to switch it off

  • stojan
  • operating system 
  • RFID čítačka

  • stojan
  • operating system 
  • RFID čítačka

  • stojan
  • operating system 
  • RFID čítačka

  • stojan
  • operating system 
  • RFID čítačka

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