Mechatronika a metalurgické OVP pre odvetvia priemyslu


Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Sector Skills Alliances in vocational education and training

Lot2: SSA for Design and Delivery of VET

Call: EACEA/04/2017

Project title:

Mechatronics and Metallurgical VET for sectors’ Industries – MEMEVET

EU Grant:

689.712  euro

Reference number:


Economic sector:

C Manufacturing


24 Months   (01/01/2018 - 12/31/2019)

Project coordinator:

Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland - ITKAM

Countries involved in the consortium:

Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Bulgaria

Slovak partners:

ELCOM, spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným Prešov / Cluster AT+R, Prešov / Prešovská regionálna komora SOPK

Project Summary:

The project will boost employability, developing a transnational curriculum focused on mobility and providing an innovative digital tool that will make easier the movement of students and workers. The design and development of the digital tool as well as putting the e-card into practice will show the commitment of the project partners and their important contribution in keeping up-to-date the mechatronics and metallurgical sectors along with the digital evolution toward the “forth industrial revolution”.

The main idea of the project is based on some lacks individuated by the consortium through the management of other European projects in mechatronic, metallurgy and automotive sectors.

As a matter of fact, there is not a proper communitarian legal framework concerning certifications of soft and transversal skills required to work in these sectors. Furthermore, the consortium has detected difficulties according to the recognition of skills and competences acquired during work as non-formal education learning process.

The consortium involves 15 organisations with different profiles (chambers of commerce, VET institutions and clusters of mechatronics and automotive sector), in order to guarantee the creation of a bridge between education, training and labor market of the five involved countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Bulgaria).

The project will ensure the assessment of the needs and skills of the mechatronics and metallurgical sectors, develop training modules, draw new curricula that will respond to the labor market requirements. Therefore the project will ensure the testing of the outputs, the mobility of trainers and students and the dissemination activities.

The expected result: overcoming the diversity in legislation and national framework, creating synergies between education, training and labor market, facilitate cross-border certification.


The project will deliver a common curriculum for complementary educational skills requested by the labour market in the five countries.

The second most important output will be the development of an e-card for EU CV in which all complementary educational skills acquired in mechatronics and metallurgical sectors will be uploaded. The e-card is an outstanding new tool, as it will allow young people to easily obtain specific certificate required by industries in the target countries and enter faster into the EU labour market.


The project will boost employability, developing a transnational curriculum focused on mobility and providing an innovative digital tool that will make easier the movement of students and workers. The design and development of the digital tool as well as putting the e-card into practice will show the commitment of the project partners and their important contribution in keeping up-to-date the mechatronics and metallurgical sectors along with the digital evolution toward the “forth industrial revolution”.

Direct target group: VET systems in manufacturing sector, most of all in mechatronics and metallurgical sectors of the countries involved in the project (Italy, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria and Slovakia). They will actively participate in the project activities, having an active role in assess the skills, design and test of the new VET CV, development the e-card, participation in dissemination actions and in the mobility management process.

Selected students will attend the training modules, and a part of them will be then selected to carry out a mobility experience in one of the country involved in the project.

ELCOM role:

Contribution especially to the definition of modules, structure and courses content, Title Mobility and Networking, Dissemination of the project results


Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland, ITKAM (Germany) / Talianská obchodná komora pre Nemecko, ITKAM (Nemecko)

Camara de Comercio e Industria Italiana para Espana, CCIS (Spain) / Talianská obchodná a priemyselná komora v Španielsku, CCIS (Španielsko)

Il Consortium Industrial Zone of Padua, ZIP (Italy) / Združenie priemyselnej zóny v Padove, ZIP  (Taliansko)

Technical University of Sofia, TUS (Bulgaria) / Technická Univerzita Sofia, TUS (Bulharsko)

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BCCI (Bulgaria) / Bulharská obchodná a priemyselná komora, BCCI  (Bulharsko)

Asociación Cluster de Automoción deAragón, CAARAGON (Spain) / Asociácia Automobilový klaster Aragón, CAARAGON (Španielsko)

Presovska Regionalna Komora, SOPK (Slovakia) / Prešovská regionálna komora SOPK, PRKSOPK (Slovensko)

HighTech Startbahn Netzwerk / Sieť HighTech dráh

Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO, (Italy) / Medzinárodná telematická univerzita UNINETTUNO, (Taliansko)

Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale A. Volta, T.I. A.Volta (Italy) / Štátny technický technologický ústav A. Volta, T.I.A.Volta  (Taliansko)

Elcom, Spolocnost s Rucenim Obmedzenym, Presov, ELCOM (Slovakia) / Elcom, Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným, Prešov, ELCOM (Slovensko)

Cluster for Automation Technologies and Robotics, KLASTER AT+R (Slovakia) / Klaster automatizačnej techniky a robotiky, KLASTER AT+R (Slovensko)

Pordenone Technological Center "Andrea Galvani",PTP  (Italy) / Technologické centrum Pordenone "Andrea Galvani“, PTP (Taliansko)

Conseller D’Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura I Esport – Generalitat Valenciana, IES Tirant Lo Blanc (Spain) / Úrad pre vzdelávanie, výskum, kultúru a šport -  Riaditeľstvo Valencia, IES Tirant Lo Blanc (Španielsko)

Asociacion de Empresas del  Metal de Madrid, AECIM (Spain) / Asociacia spoločností kovov Madrid, AECIM (Španielsko)

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